For efficient laboratory work – Infraserv optimizes walking routes

Suboptimal walking routes in established existing laboratories

A laboratory is not a static space. In the course of its use, new equipment is purchased, other work processes are introduced and the laboratory space is extended. These evolved structures then dictate the typical routes that need to be used for a work process. And these are usually unnecessarily long. If a laboratory is used and changed over a longer period of time, its efficiency can drop significantly, at least when compared with an optimally planned laboratory. When modernizing a laboratory, it is therefore important to know the current work processes and equipment arrangements and at the same time be flexible enough to question them. Only by rethinking and restructuring can the available laboratory space be used optimally after modernization.

An experienced outside perspective can often be very helpful here, as it allows not only the company's own experience from specific work processes, but also the diverse expertise of a laboratory planner to be incorporated into the laboratory design.

Infraserv helps reorganize laboratory structure

As laboratory design experts, we at Infraserv Höchst have provided support for numerous new laboratory construction and remodeling projects and have therefore gained a great deal of experience in optimizing work processes and walkways.

We know from these projects that it is crucial to combine as much knowledge as possible when designing laboratories. Regardless of whether it is a new building or a conversion. This is the only way to get as close as possible to the optimum laboratory. That's why we first ask the laboratory operator to explain the workflows in the existing laboratory in detail and answer the following questions, for example:

  • Which equipment is needed for which processes?
  • What are the routes in the previous laboratory?
  • Where have the processes been stuck so far?

We then use the knowledge gained to jointly develop ideas for the optimal redesign of the laboratory space, taking into account the laboratory guidelines.

By cleverly arranging equipment or advantageously combining processes in this way, workflows in the laboratory can become significantly more efficient. In one conversion project, for example, samples had to be moved from floor to floor by elevator. Thanks to clever optimization of the routes, the samples no longer have to change floors and the laboratory operator was able to save on the chemical elevator.

This not only saves costs during the conversion, but also makes daily work more efficient and more pleasant for the employees.

The diverse world of lab design and our stories

Get to know the possibilities of laboratory design at Infraserv. Not just in general and theoretical terms, but with concrete examples from our day-to-day design work. That's what we offer you with our weekly story series - look forward to 20 insights that could be relevant to you.

1. Involve employees

Would you like to involve your employees in the design process? Infraserv offers lab design workshops to involve employees.

2. Combining laboratory and esthetics

Can I combine lab and aesthetics? Modern working methods mean new demands on laboratories.

3. Working efficiently in the lab

Do you want to optimize circulation in your new lab? We can help you reorganize your lab structure.

4. Guard rails for laboratory architecture

Laboratory expertise and implementation experience - Infraserv architects support clients with laboratory rules of the game.

5. Change to the flexible shared lab

How can I convince my employees to use the new lab? Infraserv offers change managers.

6. Workshop on knowledge transfer

How can I benefit from my employees' knowledge? Infraserv offers a workshop to map the company's own processes.

7. Energy efficiency through optimized laboratory layout

Want to increase energy efficiency in your lab? Infraserv creates different climate zones and minimizes energy consumption.

8. A feel-good atmosphere in the laboratory

Do you want to make your lab attractive? Infraserv implements customer requirements while keeping an eye on regulations and guidelines.

9. Discover design possibilities

Are you looking for specific ideas for your own laboratory planning? We offer you a laboratory tour at Industriepark Höchst.

10. Getting a picture on site

How do lab planners get the information they need? Infraserv will visit you in the inventory lab and get a first-hand impression.

11. There are no furniture stores for laboratories

Infraserv showcases a variety of laboratory equipment at Industriepark Höchst.

12. Compensate for missing process knowledge

Infraserv supports new lab processes with experience from its own lab operations.