Emergency and crisis management consulting

Our emergency and crisis management team will thoroughly prepare you for incidents, emergencies and crises so you can respond swiftly and mitigate the impact of possible incidents.

Prepare effectively for unforeseeable events by adopting appropriate processes, procedures and organizational structures.

As business and manufacturing become more complex, they put greater demands on human skill and system performance. Governments, investors and members of the public expect companies to institute extensive precautions and safeguards. To meet these expectations, manufacturers have to design and implement suitable organizational, technological and personnel measures early on.

Our time-tested consulting services consist of the following modules: "Organizational analysis and evaluation", "Consulting and design of organizational structures, processes and procedures" and "Implementation and introduction of an emergency and crisis management system". They systematically prepare you for incidents, emergencies and crises so you respond faster, mitigate the impact of possible incidents, and professionally resolve emergencies and their consequences.

PDF: Emergency and crisis management consulting (German only)

Customer contact

Monday - Friday
8 am - 5 pm

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